Shelters – Des Abris

Member Clubs: Subject: Guidelines for Use of Warming Shelters Dear Snowmobile Trail Enthusiasts, Warming shelters along our snowmobile trails are provided to ensure that riders and visitors have a safe place to take a break, get out of the weather, and warm up. These shelters are meant to be welcoming spaces where everyone can enjoy…Read more

Trail Update – Feb. 11th at 7am

We had 2 groomers on the mountain last night. Another one will leave today to finish up some side trails. Our conditions on the mountain are very good. Moncton groomer will make its way back to Moncton Wed or Thur. Please don’t forget to sign up for the zone 8 gold rush draw which takes…Read more

Trail Update – Jan. 29 @ 8AM

We had 3 groomers out last night. One did from Salisbury to Coal Branch. The other 2 were in the mountain area with one doing the 885 as far as Route 910 Turtle creek rd. We are still dealing with light snow conditions so be careful out there. Looks like a little snow coming so…Read more

Trail Update – Jan. 22, 2025

WE have had groomers out and did all trails around the mountain. We have a groomer in the 878 on the Hardscrable side today so avoid that area please. Trails are good on the mountain but when you get down in the lower areas it is very thin. Clubhouse will be open Thur-Sun for food…Read more

Snowmobile Training Online

All new riders under the age of 16 are invited to sign up for this course to help you become a certified rider. Statistics say that the average age of a snowmobiler is 63, we here at Snowmobile-Motoneige NB recognize the need to invest more time into our youth to encourage this sport to continue…Read more

February Permits for Tourism Weekend

TOURISM WEEKEND – FEB. 14-17, 2025 Would you like to try the world-class Snowmobile Trails in New Brunswick this winter? Well, wait no more, here is your chance! New this year, the Tourism Weekend is being opened up to Residents of New Brunswick!  Click on SMNB logo for more information. FEV. 14-17, 2025 Aimeriez-vous essayer…Read more