Looks like we got a couple more inches. Every little bit helps. Most of the mountain trails were groomed yesterday and were in pretty good shape. A group of us left the Salisbury area and surprisingly it was very doable. Also heard from a group that left Riverview and they said the same. There is…Read more
Club Update – Jan. 19 – 21
Clubhouse will be open for food and gas January 19th to the 21st, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Trail Update – Jan. 20 at 8AM
Just heard from the operator trail 878 has a major washout and is not passable. This trail will be closed until further notice. We will have an excavator in there today hoping to repair. Kevin Williams
Trail Update – Jan. 19
We had a groomer out doing trail 864 towards Hillsborough as far as we could get until we run out of snow. We also did the 878 to meet the 849. We will have a groomer out doing the mountain trails. Clubhouse will be open for food and gas. Thanks and sled safe. Kevin Williams
Trail Update – Jan. 18 at 6PM
The groomer on the mountain seems to be making out good. We are sending another groomer towards Riverview tonight hoping to make it to the end of 100 mph stretch. We are doing the best we can with the snow conditions so please members be patient. Clubhouse will be open for food and gas Friday,…Read more
Trail Update – Jan. 18, 2024
We have one groomer out on the mountain today.With the new snow we are hoping things will groom up good. Please be careful as we are still dealing with low snow conditions. Kevin W.
Trail Update – January 13, 2024
We had one groomer out on the mountain yesterday for most of the day and evening. We definitely need more snow but from what I hear it is doable if you take your time. Sounds like the weather tonight is not real favourable but let’s cross our fingers. Clubhouse is open for food and please…Read more
January General Meeting Notice
There will be no January general meeting.
Trail and Kitchen Updates
I hope all our members and supporters had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to all. Please start doing a snow dance as our weather is not looking promising.If you have not heard Kick ass foods is running our Kitchen this year and I have heard some very good reports. The hours are…Read more
2023-24 Trail Pass Reminder
Just a friendly reminder as December 15th is approaching when purchasing your trail pass this year, please mark “Club 20”. We appreciate everyone’s support. Kevin Williams