Trail Update – Feb. 9 at 6PM

Tonight we will have groomers on the mountain, Hillsborough, Riverside Albert and also Riverview.  Moncton groomer will be going to 126 shelter and Coal Branch. Lots of sightings of moose on trail 31 / Kent rd and trail 869 so please be careful. Kevin Williams  

Trail Update – Feb. 8 at 5PM

Beautiful day for sledding today. We have a groomer on the way back from Riverview now. There will be a groomer out on the mountain trails tonight. I am hearing reports of sleds on the ATV trails in our area. We expect the ATV ‘s to respect the rules and not use our trails so…Read more

Trail Update – Feb. 4th

Another busy weekend on the mountain and trails are starting to take shape.All groomers will be parked until tomorrow night .We will be back on the trails tomorrow night in the mountain,Hillsborough area and Moncton groomer will be leaving Tue morning.