Canada Post Strike

Due to the Canada Post Strike, Snowmobile Trail Permits ordered online can not be mailed out at this time. Online Orders: Please feel free to order your Permit online and you will be sent an email confirmation of your order. Once the strike is over, they will be mailed out as per usual. Order Confirmation: …Read more

Giant Cash Draw Winners

Our giant cash draw was last night and was a big success. The winners are: Brent MacPherson – $20,000 Conner Fitsggerald,Jacob Gauvin – $2,000 Tom Babineau group of 3 – $500 Blair Hardwick group of 10 – $500 Logan Kendrick – $250 Rhonda Rossiter – $250 Brady Duffy group of 4 – $250 JC Levesque…Read more

SENBSA Club Update – Oct. 14, 2024

Winter is fast approaching with lots of trail work starting ie. signing, culvert work, bridge work and bush cutting. Tickets are out for our Giant Cash Draw with the early bird draw November 4th and the main draw November 23rd. Dinner tickets for the roast beef dinner are also available. If you need tickets, please…Read more

Yearend SENBSA Update

As our season officially closed yesterday I must say it was one of the worst ever as far as snow.  I guess we were not alone in this department as everybody had very low snow count.  It couldn’t get much worse so I am sure next year will be better. I would like to thank…Read more