TransAlta has reached out to us regarding the recent incident at the Kent Hills wind Farm.They have asked not to enter the area surrounding the wind farm which includes all turbines,substations,collector lines and access roads. Where our trails cross the roads is acceptable but please members stay on the trails.TransAlta has been very cooperative with…Read more
Category: Club News
January 11 afternoon
At present 2 groomers are out with one on the Mountain and one towards Hillsborough. Moncton groomer is in back on the Country View Restaurant a couple miles with Mechanical problems.At present we are trying to get that unit traded out with another unit. We will be doing wing night at the clubhouse Thur. night…Read more
Jan 9 2022
Trail Report Jan 9 We finally got what we were looking for.All groomers have been out.All mountain trails have been done except the Riverside Albert trail. 885 has been done as far a Guys Chalet. Riverview and Salisbury has been done. This still shows black on the map as we had tracker issues. Monday we…Read more
March 1 Trail CLOSURE
******TRAIL CLOSURE****** Well this post isn’t fun to write. After the actions of some but more importantly the attitudes and disrespect of others towards a landowner of a very key piece of trail linking Moncton North and the caledonia highlands, this land owner has decided to remove permission for SENBSA club 20 and NBFSC provincial…Read more
Rescue Sled Donated by Riverview Fire Department
Rescue Sled donated by Riverview Fire Department
Final days for early bird pass
these are the last couple of days before the Dec 15 deadline. Remember club 20
SENBSA Shelter Status
I would just like to clarify something on the recent closure of our shelters. First of all it is only the shelters closed not the Clubhouse. The Clubhouse will be open for food and gas and covid restrictions will apply. The shelters will have wood in them in case of an emergency situation. Thanks Kevin…Read more
2020 Cash Draw and Virtual Auction
NBFSC Club Trail Shelters
The NBFSC would like to announce that all NBFSC-Club Trail Shelters will remain closed for the 2020-2021 season. The volunteers who are the owners /operators of these facilities are unable to comply with responsibilities in New Brunswick’s COVID-19 Operational Plan. Trail Shelters will be opened after Covid-19 restrictions in place are lifted. La FCMNB veut…Read more
Major Fundraiser Cash Draw Update
Our major fundraiser the cash draw is fast approaching. As everybody knows due to the pandemic, fundraising has been made very hard. We will not be having the dinner/silent auction the night of the draw so this is a big loss to the draw. If every member sold or bought one ticket the draw would…Read more